- Biophysics: Searching for Principles
- Physical biology of the cell
- The Shaping of Life
- Kinetic Theory of Living Pattern
- Physical Principles in Sensing and Signalling
- Molecular Driving Forces
- Biological Physics of the Developing Embryo
- Water in Biological and Chemical Processes: From Structure and
Dynamics to Function - Molecular and cellular biophysics
- Physical Models of Living Systems
- Biological Physics: with New Art by David Goodsell
- Mechanics of the cell, 2ed
- Mechanics of motor proteins and the cytoskeleton
- Physics in molecular biology
- Applied biophysics
- Cell Movements: From Molecules to Motility
- Fields, Forces, and Flows in Biological Systems
- Cells, gels and the engines of life
- Models of Cellular Regulation
- Molecular Principles of Animal Development
- Dynamic Models in Biology
- Soft Condensed Matter Physics in Molecular and Cell Biology
- Introduction to Experimental Biophysics: Biological Methods for Physical Scientists
- Plant physics
- Biophysics for Beginners - A Journey through the Cell Nucleus
- The coiled spring: How life begins
- The mathematics of life
- Neuroscience : A mathematical primer
- Theoretical Neuroscience
- Biology in Physics : Is Life Matter?
- Chemical Biophysics: Quantitative Analysis of Cellular Systems
- Computational Biology: A Statistical Mechanics Perspective
- Physics of Life - Physicist's Road to Biology
- Statistical Mechanics of Cellular Systems and Processes
- Lectures on Statistical Physics and Protein Folding
- Dynamics of Self-Organized and Self-Assembled Structures
- Molecular Forces and Self Assembly: In Colloid, Nano Sciences and Biology
- Receptors: Models for Binding, Trafficking, and Signaling
- Biology's First Law : The Tendency For Diversity And Complexity To Increase In Evolutionary Systems
- Collective Animal Behavior
- Spatial Ecology via Reaction-Diffusion Equations
- Mathematical Models in biology - An Introduction
- Mathematical Biology: I. An Introduction
- Mathematical Biology II: Spatial Models and Biomedical Applications
- A Primer on Mathematical Models in Biology
- Introduction to Computational Biology: An Evolutionary Approach
- The Theoretical Biologist's Toolbox: Quantitative Methods for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- An Introduction to Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution: Time and Space, 2nd Edition
- Biological Thermodynamics
- Introduction to Molecular Biophysics
- Fundamental Neuroscience
- Making Sense of Life : Explaining Biological Development with Models, Metaphors and Machines
- Mathematical Ideas in Biology
- Glimpses of Creatures in Their Physical Worlds, Steven Vogel
- The Life of a Leaf
Physics-biology interface
Physical biology: special issue
Perspectives on working at the physics-biology interface
"Perspectives on theory at the interface of physics and biology", Bialek, Reports on Progress in Physics (2018)
“Biological Physics", Frauenfelder et al., Reviews of Modern Physics (1999)
"The biological frontier of physics", Phillips & Quake, Physics Today (2006)
"The great ideas of biology", Nurse, Clinical medicine (2003)
"Napoleon Is in Equilibrium", Phillips, Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics (2015)
"Physics, Computation, and Why Biology Looks so Different", Hopfield, Journal of Theoretical Biology (1994)
"Quantitative cell biology: the essential role of theory", Howard, Mol. Biol. Cell (2014)
Sensing and signaling
Cellular structures and processes
"A Glossary of Cellular Components", Wingreen, Physics Today (2006)
"The cytoskeleton: I-beams of the cell", Shaevitz & Nørrelykke, Physics Today (2010)
"Modeling protein synthesis from a physicist’s perspective: A toy model", Basu & Chowdhury, American Journal of Physics (2007)
"Molecules into cells: specifying spatial architecture.", Harold, Microbiology and molecular biology reviews : MMBR (2005)
"Cell mechanics and the cytoskeleton", Fletcher & Mullins, Nature (2010)
Order of magnitude estimates
"The quantified cell", Flamholz et al., Mol. Biol. Cell (2014)
"A feeling for the numbers in biology.", Phillips & Milo, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2009)
"SnapShot: Key Numbers in Biology", Moran et al., Cell (2010)
"BioNumbers—the database of key numbers in molecular and cell biology", Milo et al., Nucl. Acids Res. (2010)
"How fast do living organisms move: Maximum speeds from bacteria to elephants and whales", Meyer-Vernet & Rospars, American Journal of Physics (2015)
"Newtonian mechanics and the human body: Some estimates of performance", Lin, American Journal of Physics (1978)
"The smallest clock", Pesic, Eur. J. Phys. (1993)
"What size should a bacterium be? A Question of Scale", Koch, Annual Review of Microbiology (1996)
"Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Biopolymer Growth", Kittel, American Journal of Physics (1972)
"The geometry of soft materials: a primer", Kamien, Reviews of Modern Physics (2002)
"Dynamics of filaments and membranes in a viscous fluid", Powers, Reviews of Modern Physics (2010)
“An introduction to the statistical mechanics of fluctuating membranes", Leibler, Physics Reports (1989)
"Curvature and spatial organization in biological membranes", Parthasarathy & Groves, Soft Matter (2007)
Liquid crystals
"Biology's built-in Faraday cages", Klee, American Journal of Physics (2014)
"Electrical interactions in the cell: Asymmetric screening in a watery “antiverse”", Doerr & Yu, American Journal of Physics (2014)
Sensing and signalling
"Physics of chemoreception.", Berg & Purcell, Biophysical journal
"Probing the limits to positional information.", Gregor et al., Cell
"Physical Limit to Concentration Sensing Amid Spurious Ligands", Mora,
Phys. Rev. Lett.
"Physical limits to biochemical signaling", Bialek & Setayeshgar,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America (2005)
Active processes in biology
"Statistical physics of active processes in cells", Jülicher, Physica
A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
"Active biological materials.", Fletcher & Geissler, Annual review of
physical chemistry
"Active cellular materials", MacKintosh & Schmidt, Current Opinion in
Cell Biology (2010)
Cell motility, self-propelled particles and molecular motors
"An introduction to cell motility for the physical scientist", Fletcher
& Theriot, Phys. Biol.
"The Polymerization Motor", Theriot, Traffic
"Molecular motors and the forces they exert", Fisher & Kolomeisky,
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
"Molecular Motors: A Theorist's Perspective", Kolomeisky & Fisher,
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry
"Life at low Reynolds number", Purcell, American Journal of Physics
"Motile Behavior of Bacteria", Berg, Physics Today
"Brownian Motors", Astumian & Hänggi, Physics Today
"Brownian motors", Hänggi et al., Annalen der Physik
"Dance of the microswimmers", Lauga & Goldstein, Physics Today
"The physics of eukaryotic chemotaxis", Levine & Rappel, Physics Today
"Physics of Cellular Movements", Sackmann et al., Annual Review of
Condensed Matter Physics
"Stochastic mechano-chemical kinetics of molecular motors: A
multidisciplinary enterprise from a physicist’s perspective", Chowdhury,
Physics Reports
"Brownian motors: noisy transport far from equilibrium", Reimann,
Physics Reports
"Introduction to the physics of Brownian motors", Reimann & Hänggi,
Applied Physics A (2002)
Active hydrodynamics
"Generic theory of active polar gels: a paradigm for cytoskeletal
dynamics", Kruse et al., Eur. Phys. J. E
"Flocks, herds, and schools: A quantitative theory of flocking", Toner &
Tu, Physical Review E
"Collective motion", Vicsek & Zafeiris, Physics Reports
"Hydrodynamics and phases of flocks", Toner et al., Annals of Physics
"The Mechanics and Statistics of Active Matter", Ramaswamy, Annual
Review of Condensed Matter Physics
"Hydrodynamics of soft active matter", Marchetti et al., Rev. Mod.
Phys. (2013)
"Active gels as a description of the actin‐myosin cytoskeleton", Joanny
& Prost, HFSP Journal (2009)
"Active gel physics", Prost et al., Nat Phys
"Collective Hydrodynamics of Swimming Microorganisms: Living Fluids",
Koch & Subramanian, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics
"Strange kinetics of single molecules in living cells", Barkai et al.,
Physics Today (2012)
Pattern formation
"Pattern Formation in Active Fluids", Bois et al., Physical Review
Letters (2011)
"Turing's next steps: the mechanochemical basis of morphogenesis.",
Howard et al., Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology
"Self-organization in cell biology: a brief history", Karsenti, Nature
Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
"Reaction-diffusion model as a framework for understanding biological
pattern formation.", Kondo & Miura, Science (New York, N.Y.)
On Growth and Form: Geometry, Physics and
Biological networks
"Simplified Models of Biological Networks", Sneppen et al., Annual
Review of Biophysics
Geometry, packing
"The physics of phages", Gelbart & Knobler, Physics Today
"Physics of Viral Shells", Bruinsma & Klug, Annual Review of Condensed
Matter Physics
System biology
"The Physics behind Systems Biology", Radde & Hütt, EPJ Nonlinear
Biomedical Physics
"Neurons, Dynamics and Computation", Hopfield, Physics Today
Stochastic fluctuations
"Random walk models in biology", Codling et al., Journal of The Royal
Society Interface (2008)
"Bacterial decision making", Kondev, Physics Today
"Noise in biology", Tsimring, Rep. Prog. Phys.
Continuum mechanics
"The biomechanics of solids and fluids: the physics of life", Alexander,
European Journal of Physics